Good and effective Leaders Think Outside the Box!

Thinking outside the box is more than just a business cliché. It means approaching problems in new, innovative ways; conceptualizing problems differently; and understanding your position in relation to any particular situation in a way you’d never thought of before.

We’re told to “think outside the box” all the time, but how exactly do we do that?

Here are few tips to help you think outside the box:

1. Identify the issue.

2. Determine whether a regular or typical solution to the problem exists.

3. If one does, you’re done. If no, map out everything that went into creating the issue. In this aspect, be expansive. Include everything possible.

4. Once you start mapping out the issue more completely, start looking for ways to address the situation in one of the more outlying areas that was not considered previously.

5. Never dismiss a possible solution on the basis, “It simply cannot be done.” Consider everything. Go through every possibility until you know for a fact it can or cannot be done.

With the above tips, you can now think outside the box.

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