Home Sante Barley Business Business Excellence Is Brainstorming Important?

Is Brainstorming Important?


In our line of business, Is Brainstorming important? YES Its important!

Having brainstorming activities almost every month makes your group/team stronger as you tackle issues and challenges of your team.

Brainstorming with a group of people is a powerful technique. It creates new ideas, solves problems, motivates and develops teams. Brainstorming motivates because it involves members of a team in bigger management issues, and it gets a team working together. However, brainstorming is not simply a random activity. Brainstorming needs to be structured and it follows brainstorming rules.

The brainstorming process is described below:

1.      Define and agree the objective.

2.      Brainstorm ideas and suggestions having agreed a time limit.

3.      Categories/condense/combine/refine.

4.      Assess/analyse effects or results.

5.      Prioritize options/rank list as appropriate.

6.      Agree action and timescale.

7.      Control and monitor follow-up.



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